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European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and associations

EFPIA Newsletter 21 March 2024


EFPIA signs the Antwerp Declaration

This week EFPIA signed the Antwerp Declaration. The declaration calls for a European Industrial Deal to drive the region’s competitiveness and resilience. In our sector, one of the most valuable strategic industries in the region, we have witnessed a 25% fall in the share of global R&D investment over the past two decades. Creating a new industrial deal for Europe could be the catalyst to prevent further decline and build a healthier, more competitive and resilient Europe. Hear more from David Loew, CEO at Ipsen and EFPIA second Vice-President and read our statement:




EFPIA responds to ENVI adoption of the amendments to the Pharma-legislation
19 March 2024

As MEPs vote on the amended text in the plenary session and discussions at the Council continue, EFPIA and its Members... Read more


Research based pharmaceutical industry calls on European Commission to develop comprehensive...
20 March 2024

EFPIA response to the Commission’s Communication on Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU Read more


Building a Healthier Tomorrow: The Role of Medical Innovation in the EU

What’s the role of medical innovation in the EU? Watch this interview with Roberta Savli, Executive Director, Public Affairs at EFPIA, to find out more. 


Have you missed our latest webinar? Watch the recording!

Regulatory Reliance Tools Unveiled: A Practical Guide by EMA

Learn more about EMA’s assessment process and how it can be leveraged for reliance.



What we are reading

ERT 2024 Benchmarking Report
On 18 March 2024 (ERT)

A snapshot of Europe's competitiveness at a critical time

Read more

CVD+D: Why the EU needs a comprehensive cardiovascular-diabetes health plan
On 18 March 2024 (Euractiv)

This election year, Europe needs to step up action against the silent pandemic of diabetes. Whereas 32 million people... Read more

Special issue of journal highlights impacts of IMI and IHI projects on Alzheimer’s disease
On 11 March 2024 (IHI)

The papers in Frontiers in Neurology demonstrate how public-private collaborative research through IMI and now IHI... Read more