
EFPIA Health Collaboration Guide 2015

All partners in the healthcare equation agree that the patient should be at the heart of healthcare, from prevention to awareness, through research and development, regulatory and HTA decision making, to service design and outcomes measurement.

Realising this means developing collaborations between patients, patient organisations, healthcare providers, regulators, policy makers and life science companies.

Managing projects that include patient organisations and commercial organisations can be complex. They must be centred on patient benefit; they must be fully transparent with clear objectives, transparent funding arrangements and welldefined outcomes. The EFPIA Patient Think Tank is committed to facilitating the patient being at the centre of industry patient interactions through continuous dialogue and through supporting best practice in open and transparent collaboration.

With this idea in mind, the EFPIA Patient Think Tank established the Health Collaboration Awards in 2015, to reward and acknowledge the value of such collaborative projects, not only between patient organisations and industry, but also local authorities, governments, SMEs and other key actors in delivering healthcare. The Health Collaboration Guide seeks to highlight the projects that applied for this award in 2015 October to showcase the best practice collaborations that have benefited patients across Europe.

We hope the guide will spark new ideas to develop collaborative projects that will continue to make a difference to patients.

