
Research and generic/biosimilar industries call for integrated life sciences strategy for Europe

Brussels, 16 December 2014.- Ahead of the adoption of the European Commission Work Programme, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, and the European Generic medicines Association (EGA), would like to reiterate their joint Europe 2020 Strategy submission to welcome Commission President Juncker Commission’s work programme for an industrial policy for the globalisation era, and the value it places in the pharmaceutical sector. The joint submission highlights key proposals on how to successfully integrate the pharmaceutical sector for an industrial policy that will boost European health and wealth alike.

The EU pharmaceutical sector can compete globally if the EU:

  • Adopts efficient regulatory measures through open and transparent input from healthcare stakeholders;
  • Promotes stable and predictable pharmaceutical markets that support investment in innovation and that stimulate healthy and sustainable generic and biosimilar medicines competition
  • Makes Europe an attractive location for investment in research, development and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals;
  • Cooperates with the industry to address new health risks and expand its manufacturing capabilities to securely provide for its own medicine needs.

Richard Bergström, Director General EFPIA, stated: “I am pleased that EFPIA and EGA have come together in this important initiative to help boost the EU pharmaceutical sector’s competitiveness. The Competitiveness Council recently called on the Commission to pursue sectorial initiatives, notably for high growth potential sectors. The pharmaceutical industry is one such sector and this innovative industry, if integrated correctly in European value chains, holds great potential to continue to enhance EU competitiveness.” 

Adrian van den Hoven, Director General EGA, stated: “The pharmaceutical sector is a partner for better health and for growth and jobs in Europe. We need a decisive pharmaceutical industrial strategy to boost our manufacturing capacities to serve Europe”.

EFPIA and EGA look forward to working together with healthcare stakeholders in order to support the vision of an integrated life sciences strategy that will further support the Europe 2020 Strategy, and contribute to a healthier and more prosperous EU.  

You can download the press release here.

Please consult the joint EFPIA-EGA submission to the Europe 2020 Strategy Consultation here.

Media Contacts

EGA Communications

Doris Casares

Phone: +32 2 533 98 18


EFPIA Communications

Phone: +32 2 626 25 55
