
Heading towards value-based healthcare

Today, APIFARMA (the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry Association), ICHOM (the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement) and EFPIA (the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies and Associations) are hosting a full-day seminar in Lisbon on how the consistent measurement of outcomes can improve care for patients. The workshop is an opportunity to discuss how to put outcomes-based healthcare into practice at national level to deliver more for patients while making healthcare systems more financially sustainable.

Speaking on behalf of APIFARMA, João Almeida Lopes argues that "better results in Health are a common goal for all health stakeholders, in Europe and Portugal." The president of the APIFARMA Board says that "we have to progress, for the benefit of patients and health system sustainability, to a methodology that optimizes the results in Health". Therefore we place “the patient at the center of the system while fostering for a more humanistic and sustainable healthcare model", he concludes.

Speaking on behalf of ICHOM, Claudia Vaz, Business Development Director, said “Advancing the measurement of standardised health outcomes represents a critical shift towards a more efficient and effective healthcare system for patients, payers, hospitals, and providers. Our intent is to bring together stakeholders from across the healthcare community to see how we can support that shift.”
Speaking about the wider strategic alliance partnership between ICHOM and EFPIA, Director General of EFPIA, Nathalie Moll said “We are delighted to be in Lisbon as part of a series of conversations across Europe about how to implement more outcomes-focused and value-based healthcare models, and how this approach can benefit patients, clinicians, providers, industry and payers. Driving the evolution towards outcomes-focused healthcare models requires dialogue and collaboration between all stakeholders from across the healthcare community. If we work together, we can set European healthcare systems on a new path towards a more outcomes-based and sustainable healthcare.”

For more information about the event, click here.