
Clinical Trials at the time of COVID-19: And beyond? Virtual event

On 19 May EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, organised “Clinical Trials at the time of COVID-19 - and beyond”, as part of the series of our virtual events.

On the occasion of International Clinical Trials Day on 20 May, this event wished to explore the takeaways that COVID-19 teaches us on how to optimise research and development and on how to streamline regulatory processes. 

Some of the elements on how to manage the pandemic crises should be evaluated and tested in the post-COVID era, such as novel clinical trials approaches that are for example allowing patients to be part of the ongoing studies despite the pandemic and when the participant/patient travel to clinical trial sites might be limited.

Following a short introduction from our four panellists on different aspects of this topic, Nick Sykes (Pfizer), Chrissie Fletcher (GSK), Cesar Hernandez (AEMPS), and Kristof Bonnarens (DG SANTE) answered the participants' questions

Nicola Bedlington (EPF) also joined the discussions as guest speaker, by giving us a patient perspective on the impact that COVID-19 is having on participation in clinical trials.
Did you miss this event? Watch the recording below!